Hello everyone, welcome to another blog!
In this blog Im going to share with you my knowledge on How to monetise your youtube channel and make a decent amount of money online for free.
Do you have low views?
Do you have 3 listeners on your radio?
Do you have all the ad inserting companies looking past you?
Here is a way you can earn money online completely free and avoid paid promotions
Start earning money and have it redeemed through PayPal!!!
Follow the points for Online Radio Monetisation.
1) You have to offer free airtime to local restaurants around you. Make sure you offer to add them on every promotion of your radio. Make sure you do your own voiceover and mention their restaurant and post it on your social media and share as much as possible.
2) Tell the restaurant or the company to keep your radio running this will give you airtime productivity.
3) Generate leads and send them to the restaurant and offer to play thier favourite song or even have them as a guest on your radio.
Follow those steps for 21 days and you will see a remarkable change in your growth.
I have a digital radio myself and had 1 listener for 45 days, now Im monetised and even about to recruit my first staff to handle all my sales.
Get in touch with me on akhileshmuralidhar@gmail.com and I will help promote your youtube or your internet radio for free.
If you have listeners approach companies like TARGETSPOT, ADSWIZZ and they will insert ads for you and you will
share revenue with them.
Mention your companies via voice on your youtube videos, DON'T POST IMAGES OR YOU WILL GET A COPYRIGHT VIOLATION ON YOUTUBE.
keep mentioning the companies on all your videos , make it 5 mins and keep sharing the video.
Make sure you add them on their title and use hash tags.
This will skyrocket your growth in 2 weeks. Visit the restaurant spend 3 hours there and get people to subscribe and offer them a drink or make a deal with the restaurant to give out a product at whole sale price.
I used to give away free beer and pizza from a restaurant that had no customers due to the COVIO19 PANDEMIC, they offered to charge me very less for that as that was their help in promotions to get people to their restaurants.
Let me know if it works.
We also spent 50USD and got 15 t shirts made with our radio and gave them away., make a video of free giveaway and share linnks of your youtube.
Post it to me and I will share them for you. Im with you on this pandemic journey and we will get through this together .
Email me and I will add you to my Internet radio Community and help you get revenue and earn some money during these tough times.
Signing off from this blog on HOW TO GET MONETISED WITH INTERNET RADIO.